Hello! I’m David.
I’ve had an interesting life story so far.
When I was young, I was a dancer.
Unfortunately, I was bullied because of this.
I was able to use this negative energy to fuel my drive which took me on a journey to play Rugby at elite level.
I had to end this journey short after having a career ending injury but I then realised that some of the standards were very unattainable.
By experiencing these highs and lows and contrast of environments, it led me on a path of discovery and purpose to be a Coach that truly cares.
I have an in-depth understanding of areas that I never knew I would need to know.
And these experiences have made me realise what I truly believed in and valued.
The Better You project is designed and based on what I wish I had back then.
I felt lost and disengaged with training, nutrition, stress management and my energy as a result was completely off.
At that time, I wish I had a coach like me, that I am now.
A coach that helped me rebuild better relationships with nutrition, understanding my energy, minimising and reducing stressors in life and made me believe in myself and my potential.
The difference in finding this purpose was limitless. And this is my crusade…
I want you to change the way you approach not only the relationship with your nutrition, hydration and training but I want you to live a life without limits.
Without trying to sabotage or speaking negatively to yourself.
To treat exercise as something you enjoy doing and a form of self care instead of being a worthless chore.
Helping you to build your self-worth and confidence and do it in every area of your life and not seeking approval of others to do so.
I started at Bath Sports Training Village, to London Wasps and then onto my own Private Studio in Reading.
I realised that to have the impact I knew I wanted to have, I needed to be able to support people from all around the world.
The best way I can do that is through lifestyle Online Coaching.
We definitely do things differently to what you are used too.
It is what allows us to get the best results possible.
Results that actually last.
That you’ll never need a coach again.
You’ll stay because you love being a part of ‘The Better YOU’ Project.
‘The Better YOU’ Project will leave you being the best version of yourself in every way that matters.
Mentally. Physically. Emotionally. Professionally.